The Council of Christians and Jews
The Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ) is the leading nationwide forum for Christian-Jewish engagement.
For 80 years, CCJ has been a leading player in interfaith engagement. We have provided an opportunity for people to come together, share ideas, learn about one another and build a stronger, more tolerant society. We provide a space to celebrate our similarities and the values that we share, while acknowledging that diversity is what makes living together so rewarding.
Our aim is for Jews and Christians to meet, to understand each other better and to create meaningful engagement between the communities. We have grown into a nationwide network of 20 active branches around the UK, complemented by a professional team that run national programmes in education, dialogue and social change - for Rabbis and clergy, community leaders, students, policy makers, CCJ members and people of all faiths and none.
We do this through the following programmes:
Holocaust Education for Christian Clergy including a new Poland study tour
Campus Leadership Programme for students of all faiths and backgrounds
Israel-Palestine dialogue and study tour
Common Ground- an annual magazine
Rabbi Clergy network and annual conference
Supporting 20 local branches around the UK
Social Change campaigns
To get involved, become a member or learn more about our work year-round click here